Make It Happen | April Goals

I know I've been kind of quiet this week but I am finally starting to feel like a normal person again! I've been down with bronchitis. Yuck! I just wanted to pop in and share what I'm hoping to work on this month as well as wish you all a wonderful weekend! See you, Monday! :)

Devote more time to my relationship with Jesus. I'm going to be completely honest here, I have totally slacked off in this department the last few months. I went to church on Easer for the first time since I think Christmas. CHRISTMAS. That was months ago and while I love my church family in Germantown, it's time I find a place that's a bit closer. I've said many times before, having a relationship with the Lord is a struggle for me. It's something I want to have, but it just doesn't come naturally. It feels like homework to me and if you knew me in college (or any level below that), you know I don't do homework well. I hope to continue to grow and trust in Him.

Unpack all of my boxes in the new apartment. I move into a new place on Monday and I am so excited. I know that it's going to take some time to get settled in and have everything decorated just right, but I want to get those boxes unpacked quickly! No dilly dallying! :)

Perform a random act of kindness. I consider myself to be a rather nice person, but I want to really make someone's day. Whether it's paying for the person behind me in line or simply holding the door open for the next person coming through, I want to go out of my way to show love. You never know what kind of day someone is having or how much of an impact something so small can have.

I shared my goals for March pretty late in the game, but I did do well on them! Have you set goals for April? I'd love to know what they are and what you're planning to do to make sure you accomplish them! Good luck! :)

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