Weekly Wrap Up | Things Found & Loved

Every week there are thousands of lovelies posted on to the world wide web: photos, parties, weddings, outfits, DIY projects, etc. But there are those few that I absolutely can't get enough of/can't stop staring at/can't wait to make and lastly can't help but share. These are my absolute:
I would love to give these ruffle rose pillows the ol' DIY try.
These are the cutest, most adorable shower gifts ever. (Shameless plug).
I can't stop pinning. I'll try not to add this to my list of favorites every week. Keyword: try.
I want an extra room just to dedicate to a closet masterpiece like this one.
These are amazing. I would go up & down them just for fun! I wish I could find the original source!
This girl is so young but man, can she work icing. Perfection.


  1. Hey! I just followed you on Pinterest. I love, love that site, too!

  2. Thanks! I'll have to follow you too! It's so addicting isn't it? Hope you have a good week! :)
