110 days to go..

110 days to go until what you ask? Until I graduate college, that's what! Ah, I can not tell you how excited this makes me!! For many of reasons of course. The big/obvious one is that I'll be done with school forever! You could not pay me to go back to school! No way Jose!! & the second reason I'm looking forward to these next 110 days to go quickly... I can't wait to move into my own place without roommates! Now don't get me wrong, having roommates can be fun and it definitely has its perks, but after 3 years of living with roommates I can now say I want my own place! Here are just a few reasons..

(1) I can decorate the way I want to without any other input.
(2) The only hair I have to clean out of my shower drain is my own.
(3) My DVR is filled with shows I actually like/watch.
(4) I don't have to fight for the shower/laundry machines/room in the fridge.
(5) The sink won't be filled with dishes I didn't use.
(6) I won't be woken up by roommates returning late from a night out on the town.
(7) The only person using my things will be me.
(8) I'll be able to relax in my living room alone.
(9) I won't have to wait for money from anyone to pay the bills.
(10) The only pets will be one I want and actually take care of.

Ok, I could probably go on but that's enough for now! I'm just at that point where I'm done with this house & this year. I'm tired of living on campus in these crappy houses and I just want out! & I am really excited about having my own place for all of the reasons above! But like I said before, having roommats has its upside too! So I'll be fine..

But seriously, only 110 days until I'm a graduate of THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY!

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