yes, the statement above is sadly true. six years to earn a bachelors degree is an awfully long time. believe me, i know. in my defense, i have attended three colleges and switched my major a number of times. i recently just finished up my last autumn quarter ever! i now have two quarters left before i will be a graduate of the ohio state university. so exciting! & with graduating, this of course means i will have to enter the "real world". i don't know what will be worse? going to class 5 days a week, having to answer to teachers (& by teachers i mean grad students-- annoying), and all the busy work given as homework or going to work 5 days a week and having to answer to a boss. i'm pretty sure work will be worse which makes the idea of graduating scary as well as exciting.
it is so nice to be on break. it was such a relief when i completed my last final of the quarter! i'm so ready to just relax and spend time with my family & friends. i am going home wednesday night after i am finished babysitting! & i can't wait!!
i've had this particular blog for awhile now, but i deleted all of my previous posts. i've never really been that great at keeping up with blogs or journals but i love the idea of them, so as i continue to finish up my last year in college i'm going to try and keep up with this! we'll see how well i actually do.. :)
Thanks for stopping by! This lifestyle blog is a collection of pieces from my own life, items that inspire me + projects I have worked on for clients of my company, Paisley Card Company. Graphic designer by trade - paralegal by day. My goal is to live a creative and happy life. So far I'd say I'm doing pretty well.
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